The numerous benefits of a garden bed cannot be understated. But while many homeowners wish to create a raised bed for their vegetable garden, they may not know where to begin. Nextdoor Homestead’s video breaks down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps so that anyone can build their own high-quality garden bed quickly and affordably.

Take care to measure the available outdoor space, keeping in mind that the bed shouldn’t take up all this space, leaving ample room to interact with the high-quality garden bed and move throughout the rest of the environment. Rough-cut redwood lumber is the best choice for garden beds as it’s the perfect height, it’s durable, and it’s more natural for growing vegetables.
Ensure that everything is properly measured out before cutting and assembling the high-quality garden bed. Begin cutting the boards to start the assembly process. Recommended tools will vary depending on what people are comfortable using and what will give them a good finished product.
Cut the corner posts as these will be essential to holding the high-quality garden bed together. They should be slightly shorter than the outer boards. Line up the posts together to ensure that everything looks good before beginning to join them with screws, taking care to look at both sides of the lumber to determine which looks best facing outward. Add a cross beam to the bottom of the bed to ensure the soil won’t spill out of either side.
Remove any leaves where the bed will be located and flatten the area so that the bed is level. Once all the steps above are completed, the high-quality homemade garden bed is ready to go. Enjoy your garden!
Anyone can make a high-quality garden bed. It doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. The guide above provides anyone looking to start a garden with the basic steps they need to see their projects through!